Friday, April 25, 2008

Ravelry makes me feel like a grain of sand in comparison to this:

I love Raverly, and have and will gladly donate to Ravelry, but it sure does make me feel like I do nothing compared to some of the creative people there! Anybody else?


Donna said...

Sometimes when I look at some of the amazing things people have done on Ravelry, I feel alot like I did in Sr. Dorothy's 3rd grade class learning cursive. She had the most beautiful penmanship ... beautiful loops, swirls, flourishes. I'd look down at my dark marks on the white paper with the blue dashes & just be disgusted with the mess I'd made there. I never ever thought my handwriting would look even legible, never mind as beautiful as Sr. Dorothy's. And then, in high school, Sr Kathleen complimented my handwriting in English Lit. I had arrived!
So basically, what I'm saying, is that Ravelry is a lot like the 3rd grade in Catholic school. Sometimes you feel like you'll never measure up... and then one day, without you even noticing it do, far beyond what you'd ever thought you'd do.

Aim said...
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Aim said...

Ravelry is the concentrated version of surfing knit-blogs. It can certainly be exhausting if you compare yourself to others, but if you just look at it as inspiration, it is endlessly energizing!!! But it sure can contribute to knitting ADD.... :)

(this from a woman whose queue is >1400! heh)