Saturday, May 3, 2008

Saturday at the shop...

Had a lovely day at our LYS. It was fun to chit chat with the ladies, and I worked on the straps for a Lucy bag with one in particular. I did spend a good bit of time working on my You're Putting Me On Socks. Not quite to the heel yet. I have to decide what method I want to do. They're all new to me, being toe up. I am a died in the wool heel flap person. But there are some interesting short row techiques out there. I'll need to try several I'm sure to tell what I want to settle on for how I will do a basic toe-up permanently. I also bought some On-Line sock yarn. OF COURSE I NEEDED IT, how dare you suggest I didn't HAVE to have another ball of sock yarn.

I also cast on for the Ernie Sweater from Son Of Stitch N Bitch. #5 wants it. I'm not so sure about doing it in acryllic, but 2 people said that for a kids sweater it would be best, not wool. Plus my kids have a fit with itchy wool hats. Any wool is itchy to them. So I don't want to waste my time and money on a whole sweater and have him say he doesn't really like the feel if it.

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