Tuesday, June 17, 2008

BBBAAADDDD first try!

OK, so I worked quite a lot on this today, I even added extra rows. I know she said it would have to be stretched a lot to fit properly, but c'mon! I think this is probably not acceptable. This was done with sock yarn, and size 2 needles. I think I'll try again but with maybe sport weight, and maybe 4s. I mean, I thought maybe even though they were small, I could give them to girlfriend, but they would never even fit her size 5 or 6 foot. So try try again. Yesterday I made 3 water bottle holders and shipped them off to sister Amy (not a nun, my real sister) for teachers gifts. I now need to do 5 teacup cozies for the same reason, and one for Jena's blog (see previous post).
Also, two days ago I made 12 jars of strawberry freezer jam, and 4 cherry. So I am busy!

1 comment:

Donna said...

I'm exhausted just reading your blog! I don't know how you do all that you do :-)