Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Chore Wars

OK, all the moms out there- check out chorewars.com It is what it sounds like- video games meets housework! My kids found it and customized it before i got to it. They have been bugging me to get on it so they can start earning points and going up levels! It's really cool. You can see my character on the sidebar. Here are some of our adventures:

Removing ye royal crap from various dungeons,Subduing Yon Lavatory of Smell,Repairing Bedding of the Wandering Wanderer,Preparing Feast of the Adventurers,Removing Dish Grime with Dwarven Dish Machine,Removing Bags of Evil,Subduing the Forest of Gardenia

You customize your own jobs, give them names, how many points are awarded. Try it. Believe me, right now one is cleaning his room, and 2 are cleaning bathrooms.

Warning- there is language about goddesses and such. Don't get into it if this offends you. It is fantasy.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Very nice to meet you!

My kids LOVE chorewars--though we have a habit of forgetting to post and use it.:) It works well when we are trying to remember to do certain things and get them to become habits. My husband plays D&D with a group of young people who are not Christians and we find it to be a wonderful ministry opportunity.

Where in PA are you? Oh, and if you ever want to trade something knitted (which I CAN'T DO for something painted let me know!)