Sunday, July 13, 2008

Clapotis Crap-o-ty

OK, I LOVE this yarn, I really do, even though I've lost the tag and don't really recall what it is. I think it's Schaeffer Anne something. A thin fingering weight, too good to step on with feet (if I chose to make it socks). It is an unfortunate choice for the Clapotis. I did the normal amount of repeats and it is about as wide as a nice scarf might be, but it lacks a couple of things for me. First of all, I wear scarves for warmth, this is not going to be warm at all. Second, it would fly as a decorative scarf for someone who wears dress clothes for work or church, but I am not one of those people. I never wear decorative neckware that is not for warmth. So, I hesitate, but out it comes. It is actually prettier yarn in person. I have worked on this for a week now, and it was really slow going (using size 2 needles). But I can tell that it is something that will never fit a slot in my life, and is too much of an investment to be a gift. I need to frog it and let it speak to me again. -sniffle-Now I'm lost in what-should-I-start-now world. I've looked through my queue and favorites on Rav. I do still have the Mario scarf in progress, but I'm looking at that more long term because I'm not necessarily enjoying the duplicate stitch. Oh well, Sunday night- I am listening to The Glass Bottom Boat with Doris Day while surfing. Love Doris Day.

Also- I did get my homeschooling paperwork set to get notarized and sent in by August first. That's always a hurdle. But I only need to print it and get it notarized and hand-deliver it.I have pulled out a ton of books for casual reading for both boys, I am requiring them to commit to 10 for the school year, then if they go off one, they have others they thought would interest them right at hand.

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