Sunday, July 27, 2008

Rainy Sunday

Well, at least it's cooler...
My news is that #2 son passed his permit test on Tuesday (4th times the charm). He will be 18 August 15th. In PA you have to wait 6 months and do 50 documented hours of practice if you are under 18. Because his birthday is so close he won't have to do that, he can take the test anytime after his birthday as long as he is ready. Here's the surprise- he's a really good driver. Only 1 goof when he went out of the driveway the first time. He drove around our development two days for a few minutes each, then headed up the hill, which has people parking so the traffic lanes get tight. No problems. Today I took him not only on the back road to the main road, but through the main roads to OfficeMax. He made it going a normal speed, no nerves at all. He went all the way up 5th Street Highway (4 lanes of heavy traffic) during a pouring rain storm, with no mistakes, and not being pokey. He came up 61 and all the way home. The only thing I didn't have him do was go on 222, which is like a freeway, 60 mph and all. I have reminded him what happens to over-confident people- they crash their brother's car. He said his brother's car wants crashing- it's beggin for it. He has driven all 3 vehicles like there is no difference. He has just always been good at certain physical things, like sports, and I had a feeling with the driving, because it's kind of a physical spacial thing.
Other than that #4 son came home from Boy Scout Camp, learned a lot, had fun. But contrary to the idea that "they come back a man" I saw him more like an even littler boy, who had had a hard week but plugged through.
Husband and 2 other boys went to Cooperstown for the Baseball Hall Of Fame Induction weekend. They stalked many many players for autographs, and got enough to be satisfied. They are coming home tonight. Then we can get back to our summer.
Now it's storming, a lot of lightening and thunder. That started last night. My greyhound is about to have a heart attack, he can not stand thunder.

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