Saturday, July 19, 2008

Trip to Nephew'a graduation party

We did make the 3 hr drive today back to our hometown for Stephen's graduation party. It was nice to see everyone, and it was a very nicely done party. It was done with his other cousin Matt who also graduated. My sister and her sister-in-law really did it up. I never get to see Stephen's dad's side of the family, every 10 years or so. I would like to post a pic of Stephen, but I forgot my camera, and I've been bugging Sue for a digital picture, and haven't gotten one (hinting again!)
On the way home I finished the first RPM sock. It's too small-who checks gauge- so it's going to the girlfriend and her size 6 feet. I love them, will make a bigger pair for myself. The funny thing is on the way home I needed to do the 3 needle bind-off, and I didn't have a third needle. I texted my friend Donna, and told her of my predicament. She suggested a straw, slit and rolled to the right size. Well, I didn't have one of those either. I gave up, when #4 son came up with brilliance! Hey mom, he says, how bout a lollipop stick, would that work?? Well, I took it, and it sure did work! Viola! Finished sock.

1 comment:

Donna said...

OMG, I'm in your blog ...I feel positively famous!

That #4 sure is a smart kid - I'd never have thought of it! Nicely done :-)