Saturday, July 5, 2008

Two Vendors from the Kutztown Folk Festival

My husband and I went to the festival again today, sans kids. It was the first time I've gone where it wasn't very very hot! I did want to pass on two vendors there who I always buy from, this year twice each.

The first is Puzzle Mike's Mike is from IA and happens to look like Santa. He makes hardwood puzzles and games, real quality. His items are well priced. He said that his site will be updated in about a month, and at that time you will be able to buy from his website. I encourage you to look around. My kids always get something every year, and he has a lot of educational games that kids don't realize are educational!
The second is Herbs For Healthful Living, which unfortunately does not have a web site. Every year I buy health and beauty aids from them. This year I bought heel salve, and some black drawing salve (that is not black) for when you get a splinter. I also bought some tension relief oil and stress relief spray aromatherapy. Sense a theme here??
This week is Cub Scout Day Camp. Every year I go every day, and we do generally end up having fun. But I dread it before hand. It's always hot, and there's a lot of up the hill and down the hill walking. They call it Hawk MOUNTAIN Scout Reservation for a reason. Next year is the last year I will ever have a child young enough to attend, so I shouldn't complain.....much.

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